Sustainable Design
DCI is a partner in building a greener world by building Sustainable Construction. From the beginning, we have been partners in this effort and our team members have expertise in LEED projects. We have a controlled waste program that certifies that Demolition or New Construction debris is recycled to the highest LEED grading. Whether you’re planning to meet Silver, Gold, or Platinum Certification, Dynamic Contracting can help you achieve your certification.
We believe
The Professional Concentration in Green Building and Sustainable Design addresses the trend of developing healthier communities by defining effective ways to utilize energy and promote water efficiency.
The program combines elements from architecture, civil engineering, landscape architecture, environmental and land use planning, and construction management. Develop successful strategies for the implementation of green building and sustainable design into site planning and design, building design and construction, and building management practices.
Sustainable Design
Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.
Sustainable design principles include the ability to:
Optimize site potential
Minimize non-renewable energy consumption
Use environmentally preferable products
Protect and conserve water
Enhance indoor environmental quality and optimize operational and maintenance practices.
Dynamic utilizing a sustainable design philosophy encourages decisions at each phase of the design process that will reduce negative impacts on the environment and the health of the occupants, without compromising the bottom line. It is an integrated, holistic approach that encourages compromise and tradeoffs. Such an integrated approach positively impacts all phases of a building's life cycle, including design, construction, operation, and decommissioning.